How to use QR codes to promote your business in 2022?

When it comes to using QR codes to promote effectively, small and medium-sized firms must think strategically; for example, a typical mistake is to provide general information that any consumer may find by searching on the internet. Companies that want to boost customer engagement and drive sales should provide tailored content that has been generated specifically for them at a given time and location. For example, if a snack company promotes its product at a consumer trade show, it may use the QR code to provide both location information, free samples, and limited discounts to attendees of the event.


Regardless of where the QR codes are posted, your company must develop a strategy to ensure that your target market not only sees the codes but also engages with them. There are a lot of recommendations you may take to increase your chances of attaining your desired outcome.


1. Ensure that the QR code can be scanned successfully.

For your clients to be able to take advantage of your deals, you must make sure that your QR code can be scanned successfully in the first place. Because, after all, what's the purpose of having a QR code if your clients can't get the information, they're looking for with it? Always test your QR code before implementing it in a large-scale marketing campaign, and keep in mind that when it comes to QR codes, bigger is often more effective. It's also a good idea to avoid displaying QR codes on extremely shiny surfaces, as glare might make it difficult to read the code.


2. Keep in mind to collect information from users.

For a QR code marketing campaign to be successful, you must collect the email addresses of customers who scan your QR code (through an email capture form) as part of the process. Remember that these tech-savvy consumers are interested in your brand and what your company has to offer; therefore, it is important that you remain in touch with them and convert them into customers while also increasing brand loyalty. Many consumers believe that it is critical for businesses to establish a connection with them and to earn their confidence before they will make a purchase.


3. Promote in a unique way by displaying QR codes.

It is critical that you promote your QR code in an innovative manner, as consumers are prone to ignoring advertising unless it piques their attention.


For example, to promote awareness of climate change in Amsterdam, the World Wildlife Fund printed QR codes directly on chunks of ice and placed them strategically across the city to draw attention to it. As the ice melted, it signified global climate change and generated a feeling of wonder in those who witnessed the spectacle. When the QR code was scanned, it sent the user to the WWF Netherlands website, which had extra information about climate change. It is worth emphasizing that the advertisement was placed at no expense to the WWF because there are no municipal rules in Amsterdam that prohibit the printing of advertisements on ice.


4. Make the experience more personal.

Consumers are accustomed to seeing QR codes in black and white these days. QR codes, on the other hand, may be used to attract more customers by including them in a variety of forms and colors. Platforms like Urlinko create one-of-a-kind QR codes in a variety of forms, including customizable codes. Going with customized shapes and colors is not significantly more expensive than marketing with regular black and white QR codes.


5. Provide knowledge that is both new and valuable.

As opposed to just linking to the same information that is easily available on your company's website, a QR code should point to new and relevant information about the product or service that you provide. Suppose you own a gourmet food store and want to give information on which dish and wine are the finest for pairing. In addition to explaining the delicate flavor subtleties of your dishes and wines, you may also provide examples of your work. Thus, you will create a relationship with your clients, who will be more inclined to purchase from your firm in the future as a result of your efforts.


6. Provide discounts that are only valid for a limited period.

If you want your customers to act immediately, give discounts that are only valid for a limited period. Suppose you have an online clothes website and you want to offer your consumers a 30 percent discount on a clothing item if they make their purchase on the same day. Alternatively, if you own a restaurant, you may use your QR code to give special lunch discounts to customers. In addition, you may ask customers for their email addresses in order to obtain these discounts, which will allow you to market these deals again in the future to them.


7. Place codes in areas where people buy or have downtime to encourage them to use them.

It makes a lot of sense to include QR codes in retail spaces since they may offer buyers with information about a particular product before they make an actual purchase. Aside from that, these same QR codes can give coupons, the ability to make an online purchase, access to other product selections, and even product pricing comparisons between rival retailers. You may also be able to receive store product inventory information from some retail establishments, which may include data like the number, color, and size of the goods in issue.


Customers' product ratings may also be connected to QR codes, and favorable reviews can encourage buyers to make a purchase from a business. QR codes are becoming increasingly popular.


Putting QR codes in locations where people spend a lot of time waiting is another approach of attracting a big number of customers to engage with your QR code. Advertising QR codes on buses, trains, railway stations, and airports, for example, is a fantastic idea because people spend a significant amount of time in these locations, as well as when waiting in traffic, and so may generate significant revenue.



Use of QR codes appropriately may be an exceptionally successful strategy for marketing to the rising number of tech-savvy people in your target market. However, when a QR code is utilized wrongly, it is a complete waste of time and money. In order to avoid users becoming annoyed and alienating you, make sure your website is mobile-friendly if you give a link from the QR code. Aside from that, if you promote a QR code in a location where there is no mobile phone or Wi-Fi connectivity, you will be wasting precious company resources.

How to use QR codes to promote your business in 2022?